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Blending is a wonderful tool that allows you to consume large quantities of vegetables that you would normally not be able to eat in one sitting. Blended meals are super packed with nutrition and can be readily assimilated by your body.

At Hairprint we thrive on nourishing ourselves from the inside out with nutritious foods, herbs, and bursting with life-force smoothies. Here is a current fave:


16oz coconut milk
1/2 grapefruit (peeled)
1/2 lime (peeled)
½ avocado
3 cucumbers
1 tbsp. vanilla extract
1 bunch parsley and/or cilantro
1 handful sunflower sprouts
1 large bunch kale and/or spinach
1 drop Stevia

 Blend and Enjoy!

This month's giveaway

Bio-hack your own gray hair

Are you 30 or maybe 40-something any want to slow down or reverse the graying process? Here are proven methods to slow down your hair's aging process.