Meet Jessica Murnane

Meet Jessica Murnane

I met jessica online a few years ago when i launched my 21-day cleanse program:

Since then her blog has grown and found a cult following. This lady is up to amazing things and here she shares some of her tips and news with you. Her podcast rocks!!



Jessica Murnane is a wellness advocate, podcast host, and creator of the One Part Plant movement. She has a certification in Plant-Based Nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies and works to raise awareness for endometriosis and women’s health issues. Jessica has contributed to and appeared in countless magazines and websites, including Mind Body Green, The Coveteur, Food 52, PopSugar, and Chalkboard Magazine and has spoken at Apple and Taste Talks. She interviews some of the biggest names in food, lifestyle, and design on the popular One Part Podcast. Through her website (, classes, and restaurant partnerships, she’s working to get everyone on this planet to start eating one plant-based meal each day. She lives in Charleston, South Carolina with her husband, son, and lots of palm trees.

How did you get involved with the world of health and wellness?

Definitely by accident! If you would have told me six years ago that I would be writing a cookbook about plant-based foods, I would have told you that you were CRAZY. But like so many, plant-based foods and holistic wellness practices changed my entire life. I went from not being able to make it out of bed because of endometriosis to living a life I love (not in my bed!). I love connecting with couldn't keep this transformation to myself. I started a website and podcast to share everything I've learned and lots more advice and inspiration from people I admire too.
If someone were to ask you what you “do”, what would you say?

I never know how to answer that! My dad always taught me to never ask someone that question, so am always weird about it. But lately, I've been saying, "I'm an author." Which always makes people curious and starts a conversation. It gives me an opportunity to talk about my cookbook coming out...which makes me pretty proud and also makes my publisher happy!
What advice would you give to anyone looking to turn her passion into a career?

Listen to my interview with Ben Turshen. He gives such great insight on this topic.
Best advice you've ever received?

Never ask someone what they do.
The women you admire and why?

My fellow authors who were my guiding light, source of humor, and therapists during the cookbook writing process. Especially Heather Crosby of YumUniverse and Laura Wright of The First Mess. These women could have been competitive and weird because our books are being released around the same time and are written around the same topic. Instead they were supportive and encouraging. Those are the women I most admire...ones that know there's enough room for us all to be successful.
What’s your favorite self-care ritual?

I'm pretty obsessed with rebounding right now. My Bellicon is my little buddy.
Do you have any go-to foods or supplements?

Greens, greens, greens. They make my brain feel better. Also, Vitamin D. I need my liquid sunshine.

How about go-to beauty product that you use regularly?

In terms of my face, I only use S.W. Basics. Their makeup remover is the best I've ever tried. EVER. I love REMIX by Giselle Wasfie. She made me a custom scent that automatically puts me in a good mood and ready to take on the day. Also, her bug spray WEED, actually keeps the bugs away!

What do you draw inspiration from?

Being offline! Looking through a stack of magazines or books at the library. And nature. Nature always wins.

Spending time alone. I love talking to people and connecting, but I'm a true introvert at heart. I'm only able to refuel by being solo for a few hours.
What do you love about yourself most?

I always keep trying, no matter what.
What woman epitomizes beauty and grace for you?

A woman that doesn't apologize for owning her brains or beauty.
Do you have a beauty secret you would like to share with our readers?

Stand tall. Shoulders back. Chin up. Walk in like you own the place.






Comes out Feb 21st. You can pre-order on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and BAM.